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       Installing the nodelist files

       Most  other BBS software requires you to maintain large  and
       unwieldy   custom  nodelist  files  for  NetMail  operation.
       RemoteAccess  uses the "raw" (St.  Louis) nodelist that  you
       already  have for your front-end mailer,  in addition  to  a
       small  (around 5K) index file.  The key to the system is the
       nodelist index compiler (RANODE.EXE). You should adjust your
       batch files so it is run every time any changes are made  to
       your  raw nodelist (when you receive a NODEDIFF update,  for
       example).  RANODE can be run from any directory, and locates
       your raw nodelist via the NODELIST PATH defined in RACONFIG.

       It  scans the most recent nodelist present and produces  the
       index     files    (NODEIDX.RA  and NODEINC.RA)  in    your
       RemoteAccess     system directory.   If   you  have multiple
       nodelists  to process,    simply specify  the  names of  any
       additional  nodelists  on  the command-line  when  RANODE is

       Example  :  Compiling  a  FidoNet  nodelist  only.  The  raw
       nodelist  is in the C:\NODELIST directory.  Simply set  your
       whenever you process  a nodediff,  without any  command-line

       Example : Compiling a FidoNet and ParaNet combined nodelist.
       The  FidoNet  NODELIST.nnn  and  ParaNet  PARALIST.PVT   raw
       nodelist  files  are in C:\NODELIST. Simply run  RANODE with
       the following parameter:


       Up  to ten  nodelists  (including the  FidoNet  one) may  be
       specified -  wildcards and pattern  matching characters  are

       Note that  it  is  not  necessary  to  specify  the  FidoNet
       NODELIST.nnn  as well,  as RANODE  includes the  most recent
       FidoNet nodelist automatically.

       In  order to control the volume of netmail your users  send,
       each user has a "netmail credit" field in his or her record.
       RemoteAccess   will  give  all  new  users  a  credit  limit
       based  on  the NEW USER NETMAIL CREDIT setting in  RACONFIG.

       You  define  the  cost  of sending a  single  message  to  a
       particular node in a control file called NODECOST.CTL  which
       is located in the RemoteAccess system directory. Each time a
       user sends a netmail message, it's cost is deducted from his
       or her account.

       The cost structure for your entire nodelist is set up by one
       or more entries of five keywords:

       DEFAULT <cost>

       Assigns <cost> to any nodes that are not assigned a specific
       cost later on in the control file.

       ZONE <zone> <cost>

       Assigns  <cost> to all nodes in <zone>.  This overrides  the
       DEFAULT keyword.

       REGION <region> <cost>

       Assigns <cost> to all nodes in <region>.  This overrides the
       DEFAULT and ZONE keywords.

       NET <net> <cost>

       Assigns  <cost>  to all nodes in <net>.  This overrides  the
       DEFAULT, ZONE and REGION keywords.

       NODE <node> <cost>

       Assigns  <cost> to <node>. <Node>  is a fully qualified node
       address. This overrides all other keywords.

       Sample NODECOST.CTL:

       DEFAULT 200       ; A message to anywhere costs 200 cents,
       ZONE      3   60  ; except in zone 3, which costs 60 cents.
       ZONE      2  260  ; Messages to zone 2 cost a bit more,
       REGION   55   30  ; Within our region only costs 30 cents.
       NET     690    0  ; Msgs within our net are free.
       NODE    690/999 5 ; except this node which isn't local.

       The  control  file may contain a maximum of 150  entries  of
       each  keyword,  and  duplicate  entries  are  obviously  not
       permitted.                                                                               .

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